Calgary (Canada) based Uppercase covers the world of graphic design through its gallery, books and papergoods. We especially liked the simplicity and elegance of their ‘We’ve got your number’ set of greeting cards. Their paper products and greeting cards are designed by Vangool Design & Typography which share the same space.
I discovered Uppercase on Coudal.

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Recent Posts
- Ceramic Art of Bizen(Japan), Earthen Elegance in Portland (Oregon)Exhibit, Til’ June 9
- Imperfect Sound or Faked Laughter, 2 Sides of Podcast Coin
- Kind of Blue, Turning a Pufferfish into Fugu Sashimi, A Way to Practice your Artistry.
- “Future of Work’ is An Old Saw, Was ‘Fast Company’ Cover Story in August 1996
- J’En Ai Marre (I Am Fed Up) As Soundtrack for Current Mood, By Ma.Chenka