Remember the original Netscape. One of the main forces behind it, Marc Andreessen, offers us a revamped version of its online playground for grown ups, Ning. I prefer the term ‘playground’ to ‘social networking site’ that sounds a little dry.
Want to share your passion for Pancakes, Cookies from Brittany, Boris Vian or any number of other things go ahead.
Set up your page, share photos, videos, add a discussion/ forum page, you name it.
You can choose what information to make public and what to share with a chosen few.
By now you must be asking yourself, where’s the beer.
Well the Beer Connection can be found at Connoisseurs of Micro Brews where I discovered this Video
of Gilberto Gil drinking Free Beer.
Other Beer without the Brawl stories: Short…For Apple Wood Smoked Ale…