The ‘Syndicat du Chocolat‘ a French trade association launched Le BlogoChoc’ celebrating all things chocolate. Their motto is 100% happiness, 100% chocolate.
Unfortunately for those of you who have not mastered yet ‘the language of love’ the site is in French only.
For your eyes only, photos such as the window displays for Easter at some chocolatiers (like the one shown here) are worth a visit.
Another French Easter chocolate tradition is the Cloches de Paques (Easter Chocolate Bells).
The story goes that the bells fly to Rome and come back for Easter, just in time to land in the backyards for the pleasure of the little ones.
Easter is also a chance for many in Europe to enjoy a long week-end as a number of countries add Easter Monday as a holiday.
More on Easter and Chocolate: Like Easter for Chocolate: A Chicken and Fish Story