Anyone visiting or living in New York City and looking for authentic Asian cuisine should get On the Orient Express to the neighborhood of Flushing, Queens.
This is what Madhur Jaffrey suggests in this week-end Financial Times.
The ‘Orient Express’ in question is Subway Line Number 7 from Manhattan to Queens.
She first visited Spicy and Tasty which she describes as real Sichuan fare
I would like to try the sliced cucumbers in sesame oil.
She warns us that we might not be able to stop eating the ‘bamboo in hot spicy sauce’.
Second came Sripraphai, A Thai restaurant which offers outdoor dining (while we still can) in its patio.
Two dishes she seemed to particularly enjoy were the fried soft shell crab appetizer and the drunken noodles (with pork, chili and basil leaves).
Check Their Menu as published by NY Magazine.
I wonder what the Cockle Salad might taste like (besides being spicy).
The mysterious cia_b describes her visit to Spicy and Tasty (April 07) as painfully pleasurable on Writing with my mouth full.
Dave Cook of Eating in Translation illustrates his Visit to Sripraphai (January 08) with many shots of his favorite dishes including the crispy catfish salad.
Are you hungry now?
I am.
Related: On a Budget, $2 Buys You Pasta Marinara…in Bangkok
and Banana Leaf as placemat and plate…In Singapore (via Tamarind & Thyme)