Browsing through the many suggestions offered by Japan Travel Info, I could not help but notice Osaka Affordable Gourmet.
The piece happens to bring together Consumed to Thrifty and Tokyo Thursdays two of the threads that I weave on Serge the Concierge.
I pledge ignorance on the subject of Okonomiyaki which is described either as a pizza or a pancake.
Described by Japan Travel Blog as a kind of "Japanese pancake containing diced meat and cabbage and
flavored with Worcestershire sauce, it is usually cooked by
the customers themselves at tableside hotplates. A good place to try it
is at Okonomiyaki Kiji, one of many restaurants in the Umeda Sky
Building basement."
As for Just Hungry, it gives us a play by play illustrated cooking lesson slash recipe in the art of making Okonomiyaki.
Have you tried this at home?
A tasty Tokyo Thursdays # 66
Previously: Breakfast with Joi Ito: The Sharing Economy at Japan Society (11/20)