What happened after the Nazis access to power will be documented throughout the year in Berlin.
City choose Diversity Destroyed, Berlin Before and After 1933 as its theme for 2013.
In a nutshell:
"To mark the 80th anniversary of the Nazis’ accession to power on January 30, 1933, and the 75th anniversary of the November Pogroms (Reichskristallnacht) in 1938, the city of Berlin in 2013 is organizing cornerstone events to actively remember and acknowledge the painful past. From January 30 until November 9, 2013 – the actual dates of the two somber anniversaries – the city will endeavor to document the sensitive nature of these infamous events, and at the same time highlight the modern, tolerant and culturally diverse metropolis Berlin has since become."
Three major programs anchor this citywide reflection:
From January 30 until November 9, the I.M. Pei designed German Historical Museum guides through the activities and initiatives of the “Diversity Destroyed” theme, which can also be explored by walking tours of urban spaces and landmarks like the Brandenburg Gate, Kurfürstendamm and Anhalter Bahnhof station. The exhibition displays the vibrant, culturally diverse city and avant-garde society of the 1920s metropolis, which was soon after destroyed by the Nazi regime.
The open-air Portrait Exhibition and Urban Memorials will specifically show the human tragedy caused by the events between 1933 and 1938. Placed at historically relevant locations throughout the city, 120 pillars will depict these events, complemented by a 40-pillar portrait exhibition that focuses on the individual life stories and fate of more than 200 Berliners who represented the city’s cultural diversity in the 1930s.
On a lighter note, if you plan to visit Berlin, you might want to check Maybachufer Market on Friday, Treptow Park on River Spree, Yaam Bar, Berlin 10 Do's and Dont's which we published while in Europe last summer.
(* Map of Urban Memorials above from Kulturprojekte Berlin site)