Still trying to be a better you in 08 as far as your drinking and eating habits are concerned at least, Nibbles gives us their pick of the To Your Health restaurants in London.
I could not help but notice their mention of "Pan-Asian restaurant Tamarai
has lots of steamed and grilled dishes and salads (from £15 for a
selection of small plates), plus detox cocktails involving cardamom,
nashi pear and bee pollen (£4-9)".
If you have not cut off liquor but do count the calories in your cocktail, they suggest Shochu Lounge, the young sibling of Roka Restaurant.
My last quote from their January 10 piece will be the Detox Sorbet at Harrods made if I am to trust Channel 4 of kelp and milk thistle.
Related: Acorn House Restaurant, London…Seasonal, Sustainable, Simple