Wow! was my first reaction upon seeing the first shot from Decotora, Tatsuki Masaru‘s book on the Japanese Art Truck Scene via Photo Op on PingMag.
Seeing one of these show up at your rest stop or sliding past your car on the highway might jolt you at first with their festival of light and sides turned into a giant canvas.
There is an unreal, dreamlike quality to this Art on wheels.
Tatsuki Masaru started the project in 1998 and followed some of these truck owners so he could best capture moments not just random pictures but also the people behind the driving machines and their life.
To describe Decotora in a nutshell: "Chromed up, with individual artworks on their panels and lit up like Christmas trees, these Japanese trucks and their proud owners (with sharp eyes for detail), form part of a distinct sub-culture in Japanese society."
Published by Japanese house Little More it is available in the US though Photo-eye and via Librairie Junku in France.
The cover which I use as an illustration is more atmospheric, could be the opening scene of a movie.
The end of the ride for Tokyo Thursdays #25
Previously: Lost in Ginza…No More…With Hand Held Guide (Tokyo Ubiquitous Project)