If you happen to be in the Bay Area and have a taste for all things Japanese, there is now an option besides catching the next flight to Narita.
It's called New People and that's how they describe themselves:
Japan and is the creative vision of the J-Pop Center Project and VIZ
Pictures, a distributor and producer of Japanese live action film.
Located at 1746 Post Street, the 20,000 square foot structure features
a striking 3-floor transparent glass façade that frames a fun and
exotic new environment to engage the imagination into the 21st Century."
In January, their Viz Cinema showcases music flavored films like Midnight Sun (January 21), the melodramatic story of "Kaoru is a talented young teenager, gifted as a singer and guitarist.
She also suffers from a rare skin disease which prevents her body from repairing cell damage caused by
ultraviolet (UV) light.This means that she must avoid sunlight
The Superfrog Gallery is currently displaying Leaf Dishes by On Za Line (pictured above) who amongst other things explore the idea of The Garden as Science Fiction…
Japanese are Single Malt fans, they also produce their own Whiskies which have won plaudits in recent years.
Bertand Celce reports in Wine News (Wine Terroir, January 9) that Japanese Whiskies now have their own window display in Paris at La Maison du Whisky located 6 Carrefour de l'Odéon 75006.
In his piece Bertrand offers a few recommendations including:
Hakushu Single Malt 25 years 650 €
Hanyu Single Malt 1986 22 years (closed distilleries) 198 €
Myagikyo Single Malt 12 years 84 €
Nikka Single Malt 20 years Yoichi 199 €
Kawasaki Single Grain 1981 28 years (closed distilleries) 199 €
Jet lagged after this whirlwind tour of Japan abroad for Tokyo Thursdays # 123
Previously: Craft Tourism in Kanazawa, Japan, Discover Kutani Ceramics
(*Night vision of La Maison du Whisky courtesy of Bertrand Celce)