I hear you already, not another supper club.
Mind you, Closed on Mondays is not just any Supper Club.
Call it a Supper Club with a heart (not that others lack heart or passion).
Their motto is 'Good Food, Good Cause' here's how and why in their own words:
"Closed on Mondays is a recurring dinner designed to support local food initiatives. At each dinner, we offer a three course, fixed price menu and raise money to sustain creative community projects.
Closed on Mondays takes place during typically closed-for-business hours, allowing us to make use of the resources and generosity of restaurants like Canelé to benefit our community! On the night of each event, we open Canele’s doors from 5-9 pm and offer dinner on a first come, first served basis for guests who want to help support a featured local project. We cover our costs for the dinner, and everything else goes to the project!
If you’re interested in joining us for Closed on Mondays – as a guest or as a featured project – email us at closedonmondaysLA [at] gmail [dot]com for more information. Closed On Mondays is brought to you by: Aliza Miner, Savita Ostendorf, Marjory Garrison"
Closed for Mondays first night was on October 18, 2010 at Canele, 3219, Glendale Bvd in Losa Angeles.
Thanks to Califia Suntree of Spooning for sharing the opening.
Califia is also the co-author of Be thrifty…not cheap, How to live better with less (Workman Publishing)