After cute and sweet, here’s a manly cocktail recipe courtesy of James Groetzinger at Warehouse (Charleston, South Carolina) for guys who got dumped and found new love in time for Valentine’s Day…
Rooster’s Vengeance
by James Groetzinger – owner and bar manager
2oz Espolon Reposado
1oz hickory smoked cinnamon syrup
0.5oz fresh lemon
2 dashes Tabasco
4oz Spiced Apple Cider
“This drink is insane; It’s my favorite cocktail right now, hands down,” James Groetzinger, co-owner, Warehouse
Espolon Resposado has a long, spicy finish, which is accentuated beautifully by the Tabasco. There is just enough Tabasco to make those flavors pop, with the lemon and apple cider to temper the heat and spice.
(* Recipe and photo courtesy of Warehouse in Charleston, South Carolina)