Yesterday, my first thoughts after suffering the 4th power outage in less than a week was maybe it is time to think about backup power alternatives. First source could be ‘solar power’, considering that we are experiencing a warming weather trend.
What ‘temporary’ power sources could I use for basic things such as refrigerator, clothing iron, computer. There are battery based storage systems which can offer from 2 to 12 hours of power to a house and seem reasonably easy to install. The time during which they can operate can be extended in connection with a solar power source according to ‘Tool Base‘.
The ‘Films Media Group‘ offers a number of digital on demand movies on ‘Alternative power sources and renewable energy‘. An ‘On Demand’ 30 day Free Trial is available. How Stuff Works offers a clear and detailed overview of the technology of solar cells, how to install it, prices and more.
Computer wise, I guess it is time for me to invest in a wireless laptop or PDA so the hiccups of the electric grid do not keep me off the blog grid.

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Your first thought was back-up power solutions? Not bad, but how about getting to the real source of the problem? TOO MANY PEOPLE. Without population control, all other actions merely delay the inevitable (total environmental collapse and mass starvation). The inconvenience of a power outage is just the tip of the coming iceberg. See