I have to admit I still have not finished reading "Weird ideas that work’ by Robert Sutton and here comes his new tome that pulls no punches with its ‘The No Ass…Rule‘ title.
Well, let’s start by admitting that we all have ass….moments including myself.
Some of us have enough wisdom to recognize we messed up and apologize.
Some of us even want to change.
Others seem oblivious to the fact that they are being ass…
I recently had an almost perfect day at work that was ruined by one of these ass…moments (not mine, thanks god).
It can be hard to be nice when faced with meanness.
Jerks at work definitely do not create a productive work place.
In his take on the book Guy Kawasaki suggests the following: "Develop indifference and emotional detachment. Sutton may be the only author who has the insight and courage to recommend that being indifferent and detached may be a good thing in work environments. If it permits you to survive, then it is. In other words, don’t let the jerks get to you."
Other (in)sanity pieces: Shedding Stress: Busy professionals reflect and Substance and Appetite plus About Toxic Coworkers
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